How many vacant Resale Toronto Condos are available as of July 9th 2024?
I will calculate this by districts starting with the Central Districts of Toronto.
In C01 right now there are 751 Vacant Resale Toronto Condo Apartments available for sale in all price ranges.
In C02-C04 there are 196 available in all price ranges.
In C06-C07 there are 127 available in all price ranges.
In C08 there are 509 available in all price ranges.
In C09-C12 there are 189 in all price ranges.
In C13-15 there are 331 in all price ranges.
Totaling 2103 Vacant Resale Toronto Condos in all Toronto Central Districts.
In Toronto East Districts there are 249, and in Toronto West Districts there are 470.
For a total in Toronto of VACANT Resale Condo Apartments of 2822 units available for sale as of July 9th 2024.
Now understanding that June 2024 sold only 1014 condo units across all of Toronto and all occupancy types means that we are in a Buyer's Market.
If I was looking to occupy my unit, wanted negotiation power, and a quicker closing, I would be looking at these units in my price range first.
Contact me to find what you are looking for.
Thank you,
Brian Matthews, Realtor
Re/Max Realtron TPS Realty Inc., Brokerage